Bringing hyperspectral imaging to pollution monitoring in sewers

Monitoring pollution levels in urban drainage systems is critical for effectively transporting and treating wastewater. While traditional sensors…

Someone has to do the dirty job

Author: Manuel Alberto Regueiro Picallo

There is a lack of knowledge on processes related to sewer solids and sediments. The Holy Grail of sewer…

Organisation & Staff Society Scientific Publishing

Why I am sponsoring Eawag content on the Water Science Policy Platform

Partnering with a dynamic, innovative platform led by young professionals is a way to increase Eawag’s outreach, visibility and impact.

Les cours d’eau ont besoin de débits résiduels résistants au climat

Les cours d’eau de la Suisse abritent une biodiversité particulièrement riche sur un espace restreint. Mais des interventions dans l’environnement,…

Biodiversity Ecosystems Climate Change & Energy

Fliessgewässer brauchen klimaresistente Restwassermengen

Die Schweizer Gewässer beherbergen eine ausgesprochen hohe biologische Vielfalt auf engem Raum. Durch Eingriffe in die Umwelt wie Wasserkraftwerke…

Organisation & Staff Careers

Get the most out of your international travel – visit Eawag!

With an extended visit, you can get the most benefit from the carbon emissions associated with international travel.

Organisation & Staff Careers

Awards and Honors are Part of Professional Development

Recognition through professional awards and honors can advance your career and open doors to leadership opportunities.

Freedom of expression – it’s not just for science

How can Eawag maintain its capacity as a trusted source of objective scientific information, and at the same time, respect the rights of its…

Biodiversity Ecosystems Pollutants Society Careers

Turning SETAC's Young Environmental Scientists Meeting virtual

End of February, we, the Student Advisory Council of SETAC Europe, successfully held the biannual (European) Young Environmental Scientists (YES)…

Wastewater Careers

“Goethe is dead!”

A conversation about hydrology, advanced statistics, and the age of specialists.

Organisation & Staff

Why I do not have a 10-year plan for Eawag

Long term plans often fail in the face of unanticipated challenges and opportunities.  I feel that Eawag is best guided by the principle of identifyin…

Society Scientific Publishing

The How's of Science Communication

In this time of world, where communicating science is more important than ever, here are some tips that I learnt in my tryst with Science…

Society Scientific Publishing

The Why’s of Science Communication

“As scientists, our job does not end with making science; it ends with making science available and accessible to the common person.”

Drinking Water Water & Development

Letter from Cape Town

Cape Town made headlines in 2018 as one of the first metropolitan areas that risked running out of water. I spent a part of my sabbatical to learn how…

Wastewater Water & Development Society

Ubiquitous data are here to improve flood management

We engineers have always been able to predict urban flooding, but we were never really sure how good our predictions were. Mostly, because observed…

Organisation & Staff Water & Development Society Careers

Science communication – the future of inclusivity & equity in science!

Earlier this year, we attempted to change the format of conference sessions by inviting scientists based on 4 criteria: the #ABCD_conference approach.…

Organisation & Staff Society Careers

Why I am co-Chair of SDSN Switzerland

The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) mobilizes global scientific and technological expertise to promote practical solutions for…

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Janet Hering
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Ole Seehausen

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Florian Altermatt

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